
Never one to shy away from writing songs that are deeply personal, Linc will release his sophomore album, “Faith & Sweat”, on Friday 7th March 2025. As the title suggests, it’s been a long period of faith, blood, sweat and tears to get to this point.

The album has already produced four hit singles - his #1 smash, “Hundred Percent”, crowd favourite “Workin’ on Me”, “Sing A Little Louder” and the stunning duet, “Dear Mind”, with Golden Guitar Award winner, Melody Moko.

Produced by Gavin Carfoot (Max Jackson/James Johnston/Loren Ryan) and mixed by Jared Adlam (James Johnston/Denvah/Chloe Styler), they intentionally set out to capture the energy and magic of Linc Phelps live. Tracking live with his touring band at QUT Studios in Brisbane, the result is 10 incredible tracks that ooze the essence of Linc Phelps.

“Faith & Sweat” opens with the title track and one that is reminiscent of classic Cold Chisel. It talks about how good things come and challenges can be conquered if you believe and put in the effort. “Workin’ On Me”, puts his life front and centre by paying tribute to the people who shaped him into the man he is today. “Hundred Percent” speaks of moving through life in an authentic way and being committed in whatever you do.

“Dear Mind” was one of those songs that just came to him instantly after hearing the phrase on the television in the background. He was texting with his friend Melody Moko that same day and casually chatting about their lives, challenges, music and the overwhelming feeling of ‘spinning your wheels’. Linc sent Melody the song and she instantly said yes to recording it as a duet.

“Sing A Little Louder” was co-written with the award winning, The Wolfe Brothers, and is an anthem for everyone who have ever felt the world is just too much and you’re not being seen or heard no matter how hard you try.

“Country Singer” is a true country tune singing the tale of how a country singer can help you through the tough times life frequently brings while “Another Whiskey” is a rollicking, feel good bar room anthem.

“Coffee, Whiskey and Love” is an emotive and bluesy number co-written with Gavin Carfoot, Nolan Wynne and Mel Lukin. “Old Gympie Road” takes Phelps in a harder direction with a true story about the region he grew up and still lives with his family. Both songs would not feel out of place on a Chris Stapleton album.

The album closes with the highly personal, “Green Valley”, a song written and dedicated to the memory of his baby daughter, Denver Grace.

Born and bred in Gympie, Linc Phelps is one of those salt of the earth people that is known far and wide in the tight knit Australian country music industry as a good bloke, great performer and singer and all-round legend. He proudly wears his heart on his sleeve both in life and via song. It’s a rare quality that speaks so loudly to his character and attitude towards being a songwriter, singer, performer, husband, father and friend.

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